Rebranded product page - a separate web design for a product
News or announcement widget - display updates and news on the front page of your site
Tips widget - allows rotating tips to be displayed on all or selected section pages within the site. Can be used for ads, testimonials or tips.
Custom enquiry form - a detailed custom enquiry form with unlimited fields. You get a user login so you can download reports and details into your own database.
Members Area - create a password protected area on your site to share documents and information
Downloads Area - create an area to download PDFs or Word documents
Sourcing images - we can source stock images to suit your site
Image manipulation - we can Photoshop images to make them better for your site (but if you're a bit rough around the edges to start with, well we're afraid that we are not magicians!)
Custom image galleries - we can add a custom slideshow to your site (in addition to the regular image galleries that are included)